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GLC Returns to Alwun House with "SteamPunk Affair!"

It’s Full-Steam Ahead for The GasLight Circus! Join some of your favorite GLC stars as they go on a steam-powered adventure like never before! Lead by the mysterious Proprietor, join The Clown Prince of Arizona Jero the Jester, The Gentlemen Illusionist Gabriel Lim, Lyra the Mermaid, Alfie the Mime, Ruslana, Nicolasa, and more on a journey through a world powered by steam, gears, cogs, and strange machinations that you have to see to believe!

On April 21st, GLC will perform a brand new show with a SteamPunk twist! Jero Keenom says of the script. "It's a SteamPunk show, and the running idea is that it's The Proprietor's (played by GLC veteran Noah Brown) birthday. My character brings him a gift in the form of a revered professor (Played by Corry Rinehart) who specializes in building automatons, so I commission him to create the perfect Steam-Powered Clown for The Proprietor. Throughout the show, however, the clown malfunctions and we go through the whole show trying to find out why."

SteamPunk Affair takes place on April 21st at 9:00pm at Alwun House!

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