GLC Reveals "Afterglow" Show, 1st Annual Fan Appreciation Night, More!

-The GasLight Circus is proud to announce it's first show of 2018, titled "Afterglow"! "A sequel to GLC’s 2016 “Noir” performance, Afterglow’s story surrounds a mysterious afterlife-like circus realm that two star-crossed partners must navigate with a little help from the likes of Jero the Jester, Puddles, Connor the Clown, Luna Luminescent, Blacke Belle, and many MANY more in order to be reunited before it’s too late!" This will be the first show by The Hottest Theatrical Circus Attraction in Phoenix since October, and for only the second time in the circus' history will feature live music. Afterglow will be accompanied by an intermission performance by The Spider Hole! A band that can only be described as "Something Slinky, Dark, Wild, and Loud!" "I first met the guys in The Spider Hole in 2015" says GLC founds Jerome Keenom. "I was running a podcast and had an interview with one of my idols, Aurelio Voltaire, and they were one of the opening bands the night he came to town. They just brought this dark, grainy, almost Noir-like feel to their performance. I loved everything I heard, and at the time had wanted to book them for another show back when I was still a producer for The Pain Proof Punks. Unfortunately the stars didn't line up that time and it never happened, but now I'm thrilled that they're going to be performing alongside The GasLight Circus on January 13th in a show that is very much inspired by Spider Hole-esque tones."
- While GLC did not perform any late-winter shows this year, the circus troupe has remained busy with another project of Jerome Keenom's: Fan Appreciation Night.
"It's very important to me, almost as important as Carnival Ball is to me, that we take the time to thank our fans for being as great as they have been to us." He said of the event. "What we've managed to do is work out a deal with Cinemark Theaters to host a free movie showing for the first 40 or so fans to RSVP to our event on our Facebook page, we all get to hang out with the fans and see a free showing of Hugh Jackman's new Barnum film "The Greatest Showman". P.T Barnum is a huge creative element to how The GasLight Circus designs and performs it's shows. So we couldn't think of a better film to see! We're also doing Q & A's, Trivia games about GLC, and loads more! But the important thing though, is that we're doing this to say thank you to our fans for being so great, a lot of productions don't take the time to do that anymore, and it's a shame. I'd really like to see genuine fan appreciation make a comeback in Arizona's circus scene."
GLC's First Annual "Fan Appreciation Night" takes place on December 21st, 2017.