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Mickey Fumbles On the Road Until December

-Tonight's GLC Endgame show featured the final performances of Whip cracker Mickey Fumbles until at least December, Fumbles will be on the road performing at multiple Renaissance Festivals. Jero the Jester said the following of Mickey during the show before joining Mickey on stage for the whip cracking routine the two have been performing for the past few weeks.

"Normally I dread this next act because it threatens my personal safety on a weekly basis. But tonight, I dread it for a different reason. I dread it because after tonight, I won't get to perform with this person for a very long time."

The rest of the GLC cast joined Mickey on stage for the finale performance, which featured each member of the The GasLight Circus holding out a flower target for Mickey to crack out of their hands. After the performance, Mickey joined Jero on stage and the two shook hands in front of the packed Endgame crowd.

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